일반강화유리와 접합유리의 특성을 보여 줍니다
만일 접합유리로 문을 만들었다면 도저히 있을수 없는일...첨단경비시스템에 들어가는돈 약간만 줄여도 접합유리로 할수 있을텐데.... 또한 안전뿐만 아니라 꽃,패브릭, 갈대등 다양한 소재로 인테리어 효과까지 줄수가 있는데...
These videos show why you should use laminated glass for shops or shower booth. Laminated glass is considered extremely safe as they do not shatter easily and prevent damage from flying objects. They protect from minor explosions and are considered to be highly effective in preventing theft. Furthermore, Furthermore, Furthermore, Our laminated glass gives you a beautiful designs usuing various materials as you can see at http://www.bioglas.co.kr/.